Cables To Go 7 Port USB 2.0 Hub and iPhone and No Power Fix

Cables To Go 7 Port USB 2.0 Hub (LTK152048102056X)

My cables to go hub recently started acting up with some of the USB ports having no power, my iPhone not charging, scanner only scanning a page and a half before showing an error.  All these problems were remedied by unplugging them from the cables to go USB hub and into my computer directly, however the whole point of a hub is to just plug in one USB cable to the computer.

I emailed support:

Subject: Cables To Go 7 Port USB 2.0 Hub
Re: Part # 29563
Mac OS
SCansnap s300m scaner western digital external hard drive iphone 3gs HP laserjet 1018
When I connect my scansnap scanner to the USB hub I can scan one page then the scanner will report an error. If I plug the scanner directly into my mac I can scan multiple pages without error. When I connect my iphone 3gs to the hub it will not charge but when I connect it directly to my macbook it will charge.

They replied with:

Do you have the power supply plugged in we recently.  applied this warning on 6-29-2010.  Please read this and let us know if you have any questions.  If you have done this let me know so we can swap out this unit.

IMPORTANT UPDATE!  6-29-2010 The power supply is required for proper operation of the hub.

The power supply for the hub must be used in order for the hub to function properly. To connect the hub, you must first connect the power supply to the hub, and then to an AC wall outlet. After the hub is powered you will need to connect the hub to an available USB port on the computer using the provided USB cable. Once the hub is connected to the computer, you will then connect all of your USB devices. Please note that it may take up to 30 seconds for devices to be recognized by the computer. The amount of time required to recognize the device will depend upon the speed of your computer. Please note that your devices will not function until they are fully recognized by the computer.

It was encouraging to see that they would replace the unit, and even though I did verify that it the hub was plugged into the the power supply, I followed their directions to the letter and viola, it worked good as new.

UPDATE:  The same thing happend; the iPhone would not charge and unplugging the hub from the wall outlet and plugging it in again had no affect.  So I unplugged all the USB cables from the hub and the power, waited about 10 minutes, then plugged in the power cord to the hub then to the wall outlet, the blue light came on.  Then I plugged the hub USB into the computer, then proceeded to plug in all the usb cables and everything now works fine again.  Looks like there may be some sort of reset that happens when everything is unplugged and powered down.

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